Episode 82: Leading with Autonomy and Agency with Niki Avraam
Mind Your Leadership
Mind Your Leadership
Episode 82: Leading with Autonomy and Agency with Niki Avraam

Niki Avraam, a legal entrepreneur, shares her journey from building law departments to founding her own firm and focusing on the future of work. She emphasizes the importance of autonomy and agency in shaping one’s career and job role. Niki discusses the concept of the authenticity trap, where being too attached to one’s true self can hinder growth and adaptability. She encourages individuals to embrace discomfort, explore new paths, and learn from everyday experiences. Niki also highlights the value of transparency, clarity, and safe-to-fail environments in fostering adaptable and relatable leadership.


  • Autonomy and agency are crucial for individuals to shape their careers and roles effectively.
  • The authenticity trap can hinder personal and professional growth by resisting change and evolution.
  • Embracing discomfort and exploring new paths is essential for fostering adaptability and resilience.
  • Transparency, clarity, and safe-to-fail environments are vital components of relatable and adaptable leadership.

Niki Avraam stands at the forefront of a transformative movement in leadership and workplace evolution. A legal entrepreneur with a rich background in employment and discrimination law, Niki’s journey has been distinguished by litigating high-profile cases and founding the London law firm, Howat Avraam Solicitors. Her approach defies convention, challenging the established norms across various industries. Niki firmly believes that by instilling a sense of ownership in our roles, we become architects of our own careers, steering our organizations towards unprecedented success. A compelling keynote speaker on leadership mindset and future workforce issues, Niki offers a roadmap for reinvigorating professional engagement. Her concept of “Preferred Discomfort” encourages embracing growth beyond comfort zones, while her insights on the “Authenticity Trap” highlight the importance of versatility in discovering one’s true potential as a leader and innovator. In her “Leadership Lessons” series, Niki distills everyday experiences into leadership wisdom. From the communal spirit of a Greek Cypriot kitchen to the balance of tradition and progress in a Neapolitan pizzeria, she demonstrates that leadership is both relatable and adaptable, urging her audience to apply life lessons to their own leadership journeys. Her philosophy transcends traditional sector barriers, championing entrepreneurial thinking in the corporate realm. By fostering a culture of ownership, she leads the charge towards a future where individuals and organizations thrive with purpose and innovation. Niki offers a bespoke program of workshops and masterclasses tailored for individuals and businesses. They pivot around four key pillars: cultivating a leadership and ownership mindset; prioritizing agility over rigidity; embracing preferred discomforts; and aligning personal goals with organizational vision.


00:00 Introduction and Background

01:03 Journey from Building Departments to Founding a Firm

10:12 The Authenticity Trap: Embracing Discomfort and Growth

13:39 Creating Safe-to-Fail Environments for Adaptability and Relatability

33:40 The Importance of Transparency and Clarity in Leadership

34:59 Conclusion and Contact Information


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