Being a Guest on The Human Founder Podcast with Gali Bloch Liran
Being a Guest on The Human Founder Podcast with Gali Bloch Liran

Our biggest anchor to being mindful is our breath. We don’t even need to dedicate a lot of time to be mindful– it’s enough to take 1-3 minutes in the middle of the day. Even the busiest among us have 3 minutes in a day to stop and focus on our breathing.

So how can we embrace mindfulness in our day-to-day work life?

Keren: “I see it like this: What does it mean to be a leader? To change patterns.”

One of the most difficult but crucial patterns to pay attention to is the way we communicate. In the workplace, we’re constantly surrounded by stressors. Learning how to communicate mindfully, as difficult as it may be, holds the key to better satisfaction, trust, and calmness in our workplace, and with our colleagues. Even if we’ll be met with resistance and cynicism from others in the beginning, we know that we show up fully, in our most open and vulnerable selves. It’s not common enough in today’s workspaces, but there’s a real hunger for it, and in the end, people won’t stay in a place they don’t feel seen.

“Mindfulness, at the end of the day, increases our productivity, efficiency, and resilience. We need to listen to ourselves, give ourselves time, and nourish our inner world because if you get to a point where you’re burdened and stressed out, you can’t win. Just like you put fuel in the car, you need to fuel yourself.”

Read more and listen to Keren’s episode here:
