A Reflection on Conscious Leadership in Challenging Times at Weizmann Institute of Science
A Reflection on Conscious Leadership in Challenging Times at Weizmann Institute of Science

I woke up to this sad morning. I headed to the Weizmann Institute of Science to give a talk to Weizmann managers about conscious leadership. On my way to the institute, the HR manager calls me. She had invited me to speak and was hesitant, considering whether the challenging day we all face is worth postponing the lecture. I pause for a moment and then say, Let’s proceed 💙

In the complex and sad reality we are experiencing, especially today, that is precisely what we need. We need the ability to stop, make space for difficult emotions to exist, and surrender to the pain, sadness, and various emotions to give them space and, from that, create a bit more space to breathe, increase our resilience, and deal with the reality that has become a routine of war.
So, thank you to the managers who came and attended, with all the pain and sorrow, and allowed space for everything that exists. 🙏🏻🩵
