Completing the Conscious Leadership Course for Cal Credit Card Managers
Completing the Conscious Leadership Course for Cal Credit Card Managers

What a great pleasure to start the week by completing the fourth cycle of the conscious Leadership course for Cal – credit card Managers. Being in this shared space with wonderful and inspiring managers is a privilege💜🙏🏻

It is vital in these complex days we are experiencing to stop, take a breath, and create space for the various emotions and feelings we experience to be present. When we create this space and accept what is happening, something inside us can move and transform, and clarity can
emerge. Once clarity emerges, we have a free choice of navigating the
unsolvable dilemma, dealing with the employee who needs our attention and presence, or any other challenge our role/reality brings our way.

Thanks, Liraz Landesberg Inbal Ozyaprak Lahav, Lital Wexler, for your leadership and inspiration ❤️🙏🏻
